If you have any general comments, suggestions for book reviews, like or dislike of a particular poem/review, news of competitions, events, please leave your comments or send an email: info@thelakepoetry.co.uk
A fine tribute from Hannah Stone to Fleur Adcock, whom I discovered through her witty broadside 'Against Coupling'. Hilarious! Adcock had the rare ability to write about sex with daring honesty and humour. Later, I picked up a copy of her 'Selected Poems' in Hay-on-Wye and spent the rest of my trip devouring it.
Why must I read all fifteen,
as if a hound were on my trail?
Because the end starts to be seen,
which bliss and burden will curtail.
Nice work, as always, young man.
Carolyn's paean to inextinguishable life is at once mournful and uplifting. Also, word playful. Bravo!
Carolyn's paean to unquenchable life is at once mournful and restorative. Also, lively word play. Bravo!
Mike's video of our otherly place in nature; JR's heart-breaking portraits of others.
Terrific poems by Minnick.
Carey's poem, "The Poem I Forgot to Write" is a humdinger.
Two bullseyes from Sideris.
Carolyn Martin's poem, ""Not a Pastoral," knocked my socks off.
Thank you, Harry McNaughton for such a powerful set of poems!
Terrific poem by Sarah White.
Great sestina by Daisy Bassen.
Sarah White's "Bullet Couplets" --- brilliant.
Roger's sweater poem decent honest stuff
Philip's poems are sterling.
George Freek also has two humdingers.
Two humdingers by Hilary Sideris.
Go get her books.
A fine crowd of poets this month. I bought one book.
Cool work by Iuppa.
OKSANA MAKSYMCHUK's poems.... compelling.
Thank you, John, for including my two poems among such a wide variety of other poems. I am grateful!
Alicia Hoffman's poems are incandescent.
more cool poems from sarah white!
John, discerning selection of Dale's jazzy elegy. The title is, itself, a poem. Then, there is "his horns ... cool in their cases." Music from front to back.
Sara White's poems. Compelling.
As always.
Especially enjoyed Sarah White & Nicole Mason. Such good poets in this Zine.
Especially loved J R Solonche's poem: "Afterglow". Cracked me up, plus verisimilitude.
Another exquisite ekphrasis from Maren O. Mitchell -- keep it up!
Honored to have a poem in the March issue of this lovely journal. Thank you.
Cracking beginning to 2017. Thank you.
Love Tim
Suermondt's poems in this issue, full of humor, clarity, wisdom.
See Friday Oct. 2, 2015
I'm pierced by the delicately balanced trip between past and present irresponsibility and responsibility of "From Car to Schwinn and Back Again" by Pia Taavila-Borsheim.
December has brought us yet another fine issue. You continue to select and share excellent poems with all of us. I'm honored to be part of this one.
A lovely journal--thank you! Enjoyed the poem about bones in the museum: vivid! Also really appreciate that you consider previously published poetry and that you offer a list of contests and writing
opportunities. May all those efforts bring you good karma!
Sarah White's poems knocked my socks off First the left sock, then the right sock.
Usha's poem is the female tsunami; Marion's pair elemental Britain. I referred two friends to The Lake; both commended Rob.
Maren Mitchell's poems are deft, surprising, intellectual, yet universal in their reach. Superb.
Maren,Your intelligence is a bright light. Your alphabet poems are stunning. Thanks.
Dear Maren,
How clever to write poems about an alphabet letter. Interesting! All the best, Glenda Barrett
I'm impressed by the high quality of poems in this issue - all those by Bone, Jean's spot on "Exercise no. 38," the smooth flow of "Conveying the Blessing," Larkin's magnetic "Inhale," and the
startling and touching "Lindow Man." Personally, I am most intrigued by Changming's vision of "Y," as opposed to my own vision.
Regarding Maren O. Mitchell's alphabetic poems:
Excellent pieces!
"Y, The Philosophical Letter"
Y is it found in Greek but not in Latin?
Y, the infant's wail becomes the toddlers query and the elder's muse.
M, the earliest consonant we can muster--the hum of satisfaction and desire.
I came on Julie Maclean's recommendation - and glad I did. There's a gentleness and respectfulness (is that a word?) which runs through the poems and the website that I like.
I liked "Attic Squirrels" in the February edition especially. There are frequently sounds of movement in my roof.
I really like the framing and format of poems in The Lake.
Lovely review of Slate Rising I have this and would recommend it.
Will send you some poems
Look for me to be a contributor to The Lake in 2015. I am a warrior of words... and soon I come to do battle.
our qualities are put to work
with all elements fair.
Reading THE LAKE is a cleansing act!
I like the efforts. Review, poems and other literary material is fine and well chosen.
It is enjoyable. Congrats.
I came upon The Lake by following my wandering and have enjoyed the work for the last months. March has lovely poetry in it. Thank you.