The Lake
The Lake

If you have any general comments, suggestions for book reviews, like or dislike of a particular poem/review, news of competitions, events, please leave your comments or send an email:


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  • Les Brookes (Wednesday, January 29 25 12:39 pm GMT)

    A fine tribute from Hannah Stone to Fleur Adcock, whom I discovered through her witty broadside 'Against Coupling'. Hilarious! Adcock had the rare ability to write about sex with daring honesty and humour. Later, I picked up a copy of her 'Selected Poems' in Hay-on-Wye and spent the rest of my trip devouring it.

  • Ted Jean (Sunday, December 03 23 06:08 am GMT)


    Why must I read all fifteen,
    as if a hound were on my trail?
    Because the end starts to be seen,
    which bliss and burden will curtail.

    Nice work, as always, young man.

  • Ted Jean (Sunday, December 03 23 05:40 am GMT)

    Carolyn's paean to inextinguishable life is at once mournful and uplifting. Also, word playful. Bravo!

  • Ted Jean (Sunday, December 03 23 05:36 am GMT)

    Carolyn's paean to unquenchable life is at once mournful and restorative. Also, lively word play. Bravo!

  • Ted Jean (Thursday, May 04 23 05:09 am BST)

    Mike's video of our otherly place in nature; JR's heart-breaking portraits of others.

  • J.R. SoloncheEMIVsh (Monday, May 01 23 02:58 pm BST)

    Terrific poems by Minnick.

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, May 01 23 02:53 pm BST)

    Carey's poem, "The Poem I Forgot to Write" is a humdinger.

  • J.R. Solonche (Thursday, September 01 22 05:16 pm BST)

    Two bullseyes from Sideris.

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, August 01 22 04:51 pm BST)

    Carolyn Martin's poem, ""Not a Pastoral," knocked my socks off.

  • jenny hockey (Tuesday, February 01 22 03:00 pm GMT)

    Thank you, Harry McNaughton for such a powerful set of poems!

  • J.R. Solonche (Tuesday, June 01 21 02:06 pm BST)

    Terrific poem by Sarah White.

  • J.R. Solonche (Tuesday, June 01 21 02:03 pm BST)

    Great sestina by Daisy Bassen.

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, February 01 21 02:00 pm GMT)

    Sarah White's "Bullet Couplets" --- brilliant.

  • Ted Jean (Tuesday, June 11 19 02:51 am BST)

    Roger's sweater poem decent honest stuff

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, May 13 19 08:22 pm BST)

    Philip's poems are sterling.

  • J.R. Solonche (Thursday, January 31 19 07:38 pm GMT)

    George Freek also has two humdingers.

  • J.R. Solonche (Thursday, January 31 19 07:35 pm GMT)

    Two humdingers by Hilary Sideris.

    Go get her books.

  • Carl Nelson (Thursday, January 31 19 03:07 pm GMT)

    A fine crowd of poets this month. I bought one book.

  • J.R. Solonche (Thursday, June 07 18 10:12 pm BST)

    Cool work by Iuppa.

  • J.R. Solonche (Friday, May 25 18 10:39 pm BST)

    OKSANA MAKSYMCHUK's poems.... compelling.

  • Maren O. Mitchell (Tuesday, May 15 18 12:42 am BST)

    Thank you, John, for including my two poems among such a wide variety of other poems. I am grateful!

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, April 23 18 12:47 am BST)

    Alicia Hoffman's poems are incandescent.

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, March 26 18 09:10 pm BST)

    more cool poems from sarah white!

  • Ted (Tuesday, February 13 18 03:44 am GMT)

    John, discerning selection of Dale's jazzy elegy. The title is, itself, a poem. Then, there is "his horns ... cool in their cases." Music from front to back.

  • J.R. Solonche (Monday, January 22 18 01:14 am GMT)

    Sara White's poems. Compelling.
    As always.

  • Carl Nelson (Saturday, January 06 18 10:48 pm GMT)

    Especially enjoyed Sarah White & Nicole Mason. Such good poets in this Zine.

  • Carl Nelson (Thursday, August 31 17 09:24 pm BST)

    Especially loved J R Solonche's poem: "Afterglow". Cracked me up, plus verisimilitude.

  • Tyler Fisher (Friday, June 30 17 08:01 pm BST)

    Another exquisite ekphrasis from Maren O. Mitchell -- keep it up!

  • Sylvia Freeman (Friday, March 03 17 02:30 pm GMT)

    Honored to have a poem in the March issue of this lovely journal. Thank you.

  • Beth McDonough (Sunday, January 01 17 03:04 pm GMT)

    Cracking beginning to 2017. Thank you.

  • Patricia Markert (Monday, September 05 16 02:12 pm BST)

    Love Tim
    Suermondt's poems in this issue, full of humor, clarity, wisdom.

  • J.R. Solonche (Wednesday, April 06 16 11:59 pm BST)

    See Friday Oct. 2, 2015


  • Maren O. Mitchell (Friday, January 01 16 06:53 pm GMT)

    I'm pierced by the delicately balanced trip between past and present irresponsibility and responsibility of "From Car to Schwinn and Back Again" by Pia Taavila-Borsheim.

  • Tony Press (Wednesday, December 09 15 10:15 pm GMT)

    December has brought us yet another fine issue. You continue to select and share excellent poems with all of us. I'm honored to be part of this one.

  • L.A. Kurth (Thursday, October 29 15 02:03 am GMT)

    A lovely journal--thank you! Enjoyed the poem about bones in the museum: vivid! Also really appreciate that you consider previously published poetry and that you offer a list of contests and writing
    opportunities. May all those efforts bring you good karma!

  • J.R. Solonche (Friday, October 02 15 05:13 pm BST)

    Sarah White's poems knocked my socks off First the left sock, then the right sock.

  • Ted Jean (Friday, September 11 15 12:25 am BST)

    Usha's poem is the female tsunami; Marion's pair elemental Britain. I referred two friends to The Lake; both commended Rob.

  • Joan Howard (Saturday, September 05 15 12:24 pm BST)

    Maren Mitchell's poems are deft, surprising, intellectual, yet universal in their reach. Superb.

  • Nancy Simpson (Thursday, September 03 15 05:59 pm BST)

    Maren,Your intelligence is a bright light. Your alphabet poems are stunning. Thanks.

  • Glenda Barrett (Wednesday, September 02 15 07:36 pm BST)

    Dear Maren,
    How clever to write poems about an alphabet letter. Interesting! All the best, Glenda Barrett

  • Maren O. Mitchell (Wednesday, September 02 15 06:41 pm BST)

    I'm impressed by the high quality of poems in this issue - all those by Bone, Jean's spot on "Exercise no. 38," the smooth flow of "Conveying the Blessing," Larkin's magnetic "Inhale," and the
    startling and touching "Lindow Man." Personally, I am most intrigued by Changming's vision of "Y," as opposed to my own vision.

  • Tyler Fisher (Tuesday, September 01 15 11:30 pm BST)

    Regarding Maren O. Mitchell's alphabetic poems:
    Excellent pieces!
    "Y, The Philosophical Letter"
    Y is it found in Greek but not in Latin?
    Y, the infant's wail becomes the toddlers query and the elder's muse.
    M, the earliest consonant we can muster--the hum of satisfaction and desire.

  • rob walker (Friday, July 03 15 02:10 pm BST)

    I came on Julie Maclean's recommendation - and glad I did. There's a gentleness and respectfulness (is that a word?) which runs through the poems and the website that I like.

  • Seth Crook (Monday, February 09 15 01:43 am GMT)

    I liked "Attic Squirrels" in the February edition especially. There are frequently sounds of movement in my roof.

  • Ronald Moran (Tuesday, February 03 15 02:45 pm GMT)

    I really like the framing and format of poems in The Lake.

  • Carolyn O'Connell (Saturday, January 31 15 02:31 pm GMT)

    Lovely review of Slate Rising I have this and would recommend it.

    Will send you some poems

  • Randy D. Rubin (Thursday, January 01 15 03:01 pm GMT)

    Look for me to be a contributor to The Lake in 2015. I am a warrior of words... and soon I come to do battle.

  • Jaydeep Sarangi (Sunday, October 26 14 06:29 am GMT)

    our qualities are put to work
    with all elements fair.

    Reading THE LAKE is a cleansing act!

  • P C K Prem (Sunday, October 26 14 01:43 am GMT)

    I like the efforts. Review, poems and other literary material is fine and well chosen.

    It is enjoyable. Congrats.

  • Michael (Friday, February 28 14 03:34 pm GMT)

    I came upon The Lake by following my wandering and have enjoyed the work for the last months. March has lovely poetry in it. Thank you.


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It's not easy getting a book or pamphlet accepted for review these days. So in addition to the regular review section, the One Poem Review feature will allow more poets' to reach a wider audience - one poem featured from a new book/pamphlet along with a cover JPG and a link to the publisher's website. Contact the editor if you have released a book/pamphlet in the last twelve months or expect to have one published.

Reviewed in this issue